May 23-25 - “The Tender Gravity of Kindness,” performed by Davis Contemporary Dance at Dialectic: Uniting Acceptance and Change in Mental Health
May - “The Tender Gravity of Kindness,” performed by Davis Contemporary Dance, The Elaine Wolf Theater
February - Guest teaching at the Davis Contemporary Dance Company Class, Denver, CO
January - Guest teaching at the Boulder Jazz Dance Winter Workshop, Denver, CO
October 26th- Performance of “towards or away,” solo set on Erika Curry-Elrod, Beloit College, Beloit, WI.
October 3rd and 4th- Performance of “towards or away,” solo set on Erika Curry-Elrod, and performing in “Riven,” a duet choreographed by Chris Johnson, Telluride, CO. Buy Tickets Here.
August - T2 Dance Company ChoreoFest Residency and Showing Boulder, CO
July- “Choreographic Methods for Dance” Guest Lecture at the University of Northern Colorado
July- Guest teaching for Bare Bait Company Class, Missoula, MT
July - Guest teaching at the Boulder Jazz Dance Youth Workshop, Boulder, CO
April- Performance of “In Truth It’s Just Begun,” and “The Tender Gravity of Kindness,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
March- Performance of “The Tender Gravity of Kindness,” Gala concert at the Regional High School Dance Festival, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
March- Guest teaching at the Regional High School Dance Festival, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX
March- Performance of “towards or away,” solo set on Erika Curry-Elrod, selected for Freeform Dance Festival, Boulder, CO
November- Performance of “In Truth It’s Just Begun,” and “The Tender Gravity of Kindness,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
September- Classroom Management Strategy for the Dance Studio, 50 minute presentation, The National Dance Education Organization Conference, Teaching is Leading: Embracing our Impact & Opportunity as Dance Educators, Denver, CO
July - Guest teaching at the Boulder Jazz Dance Youth Workshop, Boulder, CO
July - Guest teaching at Park Hill Dance Academy, Denver, CO
June - Guest teaching for the Presenting Denver Dance Festival, Grace Studios, Broomfield, CO
May- Awarded MA in Critical Pedagogy Scholarship for Summer Study, CU-Denver, Denver, CO
April - Performance of “Meanwhile, the World Goes On,” “Found From Within,” and “Conniptions,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
March- Guest teaching in the Dance Department at the University of Montana, Missoula, MT
March- Guest teaching in the Education Department at the University of Montana, Missoula, MT
March- Guest teaching at the National High School Dance Festival, Point Park University, PA
March- “Meanwhile, the World Goes On” Gala concert at the National High School Dance Festival, Byham Theatre March, Pittsburgh, PA
March- Performance of “Conniptions,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
November- Performance of “Meanwhile, the World Goes On,” “Found From Within,” and “Conniptions,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
October- The Little Mermaid, Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
July - Guest teaching at Colorado Conservatory of Dance Summer Intensive, Broomfield, CO
April- Performance of “Interconnected,” “Bounce,” “The Best Medicine,” and “The Softer Side of Darkness,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
March- Performance of “Bounce,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
November - Performance of “Interconnected,” “Bounce,” “The Best Medicine,” and “The Softer Side of Darkness,” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
July - Guest teaching at Colorado Conservatory of Dance Summer Intensive, Broomfield, CO
June - Artist Residency with Joy French awarded through Open AIR - Artist-in-Residence at Traveler’s Rest State Park (Lolo, MT)
March- Guest teaching at the National High School Dance Festival, Point Park University, PA
April- Performances and teaching canceled due to Covid-19
November - Performance of “Interconnected” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
April- Performance of “Swept Along” Schomp Theatre, Denver, CO
March - Performer at MeowWolf Announcement Party, Mile High Station, Denver, CO
March - Artist Talk Back, Sans Souci, Firehouse Art Center, Longmont, CO
March - “Left Under” presented at Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, Firehouse Arts Center, Longmont, CO
February - Into the Woods, Legend High School, Parker, CO
January - Performance in Colony 933, immersive mystery dance-theatre production, Denver, CO
April - Rocky Mountain Prep Dance Performance, Denver, CO
March - Performance in The Clinic, under the direction of Tara Rynders, Denver, CO
July - Performance in “Ox Prowl”, Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Up Late at The Highline, New York, NY
July - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, WV Governor’s School for Arts & Honors, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
May - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, Pocahontas Opera House, Marlinton, WV
April - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, Ivy & Stone Arts Council, Summerville, WV
April - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, Bridgeport Arts Council, Bridgeport, WV
April - “Ache to Climb”, 10 minute site-specific work, commissioned by All Over Westbeth in
WestFest Dance, New York, NY
March - Performance in “ferrum,”Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Performance, live accompaniment by Chris North, Current Sessions, Wild Project Theater, New York, NY
February - Performance in “ferrum,” Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Performance, live accompaniment by Chris North. Roulette, Brooklyn, NY
December - “suds in the mouth, blue in the face,” 12 minute work for 8 dancers, Crossing Boundaries at Dixon Place, New York, NY
December- Performance “Lec/Dem or How Do You Spell Femaphobic,” choreography Gesel Mason, American Dance Guild Performance, Ailey Citigroup Theater, New York, NY
November - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, WVU Tech, Montgomery, WV
November - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, Summers County Arts Council, Beckley, WV
November - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, Beckley Public Concert, Beckley, WV
September - Performance by “Light into Night”, Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Performance, Arts Omi, Ghent, NY
September - Performance by “Light into Night”, Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Performance, "Into the Veil- An After Dark Exploration", Obscura Society, Brooklyn, NY
July - Performance of “But in the dark you see only what glows,” duet commissioned and performed by West Virginia Dance Company, WV Governor’s School for Arts & Honors, Marshall University, Huntington, WV
June - “White Fuzzy Noise n’ Shit or Don’t Look Directly at Us or Look Indirectly at Us”, 9 minute trio created and performed with Samantha Lysaght & Jadd Tank, five myles gallery, Brooklyn, NY
May - Performance in “ferrum,” Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Performance, live accompaniment by Chris North, PS21, Dance OMI Alumni, Chatham, NY
May - Performance in “ferrum,” Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Performance, live accompaniment by Chris North, Gowanus Art & Production’s, First Look, The Green Room,Brooklyn, NY
May - “Annie, Jr. the Musical”, Democracy Prep, New York, NY
May- Performance in “ferrum,” Choreography by Shandoah Goldman/Carte Blanche Performance, live accompaniment by Chris North, Second Sundays, Pioneer Works, Brooklyn, NY
February - “Swallow,” 7 minute duet created and performed with Steph Lee, Blind Tiger at the Jack, Brooklyn, NY
February - Performance in “love letters,” Choreography by Josselyn Levinson, Tough Cookie Dance, Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY
November - “re-leafing” (solo) performed as part of WaxWorks, Triskelion Arts, Brooklyn, NY
October - Performance with Avodah Dance Ensemble, Sheen Center, New York, NY
September - Settle, 45 minute multi-media, evening length work, commissioned by Bare Bait Dance Company and restaged for new dancers, Missoula, MT
August - Guest Teaching at Radford University, Radford, VA
June - Guest teaching, Bare Bait Dance Company, Missoula, MT
May - “Rhyme and Treason,” commissioned by Longmont Dance Theatre, performed to a live harp sextet, Harp Ensemble Concert, Griffin Concert Hall, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
May - Graduate Part-Time Instructor Teaching Excellence Award, in recognition of excellent graduate student teachers for their hard work, creativity, and continued excellence in Teaching, Boulder, Colorado
May - “in manifesting” performed at Blue Sage Center for the Arts, Paonia, CO
May - “re-leafing” (solo) performed as part of Performática: Foro Internacional de Danza Contemporánea y Artes de Movimiento, San Andrés Cholula, Puebla, México
April - “re-leafing” (solo) performed as part of ACDFA North Central Region, Montana Theater, Missoula, MT
April - Settle, 45 minute multi-media, evening length work, produced by Between the Bones Studio Collective, Denver, CO
February - “Rhyme and Treason,” commissioned by Longmont Dance Theatre, performed to a live harp sextet, Winter Showcase, Silver Creek Auditorium, Longmont, CO
January - Settle, 45 minute multi-media, evening length work performed as Artist in Residence, ATLAS Center for Media, Arts and Performance (CMAP), Boulder, CO
October -Left Under, selected as official selection Tenth Annual Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, Boedecker Theater, Dairy Center for the Arts, Boulder, CO
September - Left Under, selected as official installation selection of the Tenth Annual Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, ATLAS Institute, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
July - Performance in You & Me Performance Project, concept, direction, and choreography by Tara Rynders, Joy’s House, Missoula, MT 2013
June - Performance in You & Me Performance Project, concept, direction, and choreography by Tara Rynders, COMMUNIKEY Festival, Boulder, CO
May - “in manifesting” performed at Blue Sage Center for the Arts, Paonia, CO
April - Artist residency awarded at the ATLAS Institute, Boulder, Colorado
April - Beverly Sears Named Graduate Student Award, Bill and Valorie Goodall Mooney Award sponsored by the Graduate School , Boulder, Colorado
April - The Choreography of Communitas: Ritual and Kinesthetic Connection in Flash Choreographies, 20 minute peer-reviewed paper presentation, Congress on Research and Dance, Special Topics Conference: Tactical Bodies, Congress of Research on Dance & Dance Under Construction, University of California, LA campus, Los Angeles, CA
April - Guest lecture for the Colorado University System Staff on dance as it relates to short films and dance cinema, System Staff Council, Denver, CO
March - Guest Teaching at Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado Springs, CO
March - “in manifesting” performed in Open Space, Charlotte Irey Theatre, Boulder, CO
September - Sticks & Stones, 45 minute quintet, created and performed with Kate Speer, performed as part of the Philly Fringe Festival, Mascher Space Cooperative, Philadelphia, PA
August - Sticks & Stones, 45 minute quintet, created and performed with Kate Speer, performed as part of the Boulder International Fringe Festival. Dairy East Theater, Boulder, CO
May - Rachel & Kate, 7 minute duet created and performed with Kate Speer, performed as part of CU Contemporary Dance Works, Trinidad, Colorado
April - Performance in “Next/Us,” choreography by Gesel Mason, “NeXus,” Charlotte Irey Theatre, Boulder, CO
March - Performance in You & Me Performance Project, concept, direction, and choreography by Tara Rynders, Red Velvet Ranch, Evergreen, CO
January- Guest teaching Bare Bait Dance Company, Missoula, MT
January - Scored improvisation with Joy French and Jeanine McCain, Downtown Dance Collective, Missoula, MT